Friday, October 28, 2011

Dramatic Water Rescue

As we left our anchorage, we meandered via river through the Carolina countryside.  A large motor yacht passed us and, even though he slowed down, threw off enough of a wake to catapult the infamous red suitcase over the lifelines into the drink as it was in its final drying session on the deck.  

Capt'n Rich wheeled the the mighty Gratitude 180 degrees as Susan sprang into action with the boat hook. As the Gratitude churned toward the rapidly sinking (and still stinking) suitcase, Susan had time for only one desperate rescue attempt.  With the wheels pulling the suitcase down to its watery grave, Susan lunged with the boathook, managing against all odds to snag the submerged handle of the red bag and pull her back to safety.  Susan received an extra ration of grog.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Nice save matey! Some crew will do anything for that extra ration of grog!!! Lots of fun reading your voyage accounts. How far down are you going on this leg? Looking forward to more news from "Gratitude"! Keep safe! Hugs, donna


At anchor in Bras D'Or Lakes, NS